Peter Senge

Peter Senge

systems change, organisational development, leadership, learning communities
Sloan School of Management, Massachusets Institute of Technology (MIT)
United States of America
35 years at the forefront of organisational learning and development

About Peter Senge

Throughout his career, Peter has been asking, “how do we create the conditions for people to work together at their best, cultivating the innate systems intelligence that is our birthright but is all but lost in modern culture?” Schools That Learn describes how schools can adapt, grow, and change in the face of the increasing demands and challenges of our society, and provides tools, techniques and solutions for teachers and school principals.

Senior Lecturer at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management, and Founding Chair of the Society for Organizational Learning (SoL), Peter Senge has been at the forefront of organizational learning, leadership development and systems change since his classic text The Fifth Discipline, which sold over two million copies worldwide. It was recognized by the Financial Times as one of five “most important” management books and by Harvard Business Review as establishing the learning organization as “one of the seminal ideas of the last 75 years.”